By Starrys Jr Obazei

Game-playing is a fundamental aspect of education in a student’s life, recognized and approved by all educators. However, some have contradicted this, claiming that it only causes interference and disruption of the learning atmosphere. Today, however, the primary role of educational technology and digital gaming is to simplify and improve learning. Still, it does not directly impact a student’s performance as the technology tools have to be in line with the curriculum for them to be effective. And we, in Acadatainment, bring you this interesting article that discusses how the implementation and use of gaming structures in the whole concept of learning and teaching called education stimulates a student’s motivation and engagement by making them participate in set tasks and collaborate with their peers to achieve set goals, at the same time applying all the values derived from this in real-world situations.
Identified below are the various benefits derivable when students engage in any gaming activity, whether it be virtual or actual games played indoors or outdoors, like in fields or arenas.
Just as reading the right books can develop our minds, Accordingly, the right kind of games are aimed at the full development of the human brain and personality. After teaching new content to the class, incorporating a game into it will consolidate the student’s understanding of the subject. Playing a range of content-specific games can enhance their art of memorizing while also building a connection with the topic.
In particular, games like question-and-answer riddles should be highly considered by the tutor, or perhaps any other practical game suggestions from the tutor would likely also be suitable as long as it is based on a method of retention that has worked or has been working for them, such activity would immensely benefit the whole class.

Students can become really competitive in the classroom, especially when pitched against each other. Games are often a great way to control the competitiveness between peers. By using games in the classroom, students can compete against each other whilst playing a game, then support each other during other learning activities. For instance, with “Studying Contest”, this game can help students study lesson content and quickly analyze information, making it beneficial for reviewing test material. So basically, the tutor would have to draw two circles on a board or a projector screen and label one “yes” and the other “no.” Separate students into two teams and call one representative from each to listen to a statement and decide if it’s true or false. The first student who taps the circle with the correct answer wins the round for their team. thus making it an enjoyable experience for all participants.
The more complex a virtual multiplayer game is, the more it helps teach players how to be strategic and analytical to assess risks and rewards. This type of game calls for young players to react quickly to changes in the game’s levels. Although, it can also be hard to stop some games in the middle of a battle as there are penalties for quitting, one of which is “all progress being erased in the process”. So young gamers should be able to determine the right time to take a break from playing a difficult level and perhaps wait for a more convenient moment to continue.
This type of gaming method can be quite enlightening to students because the skills or values gained can be transferable to real-world jobs that rely on problem-solving, analytical skills, and strategic thinking.

Playing outdoors provides a remarkable opportunity for children to develop socially. Playing together with their peers allows students to learn important social skills like empathy, cooperation, and friendship, but it also comes with many physical benefits, all of which combined would help them succeed later in life. Students who spend time playing outdoors are more likely to move in ways that challenge their muscles, bones, and physical endurance. Outdoor environments give kids the space they need to walk, run, play, and swing. They can play catch, crawl under bushes, climb trees, ride bikes, play football, etc.
When students have the chance to engage in physical activity, they can strengthen both their bodies and their sense of self-confidence. Extended time outside also allows children who play sports to practice their skills, like kicking, catching, and batting—whatever they need to pursue their specific talents or passions in any form of sports.
Outdoor play is directly related to a child’s physical strength, weight, and immune function. Encouraging outdoor play in young children helps develop a healthy attitude about maintaining an energetic adult lifestyle.